Research Futures at
Istituto Marangoni London

Research is formalized curiosity.
It is poking and prying with a purpose.

Zora Neale Hurston, Dust Tracks on a Road

  • We are delighted that research is becoming part of the creative culture of IM London. We sincerely believe that research will allow us to broaden understandings of diversity, enriching our curriculum, our learning and teaching, and our own personal and professional development as learners, educators, storytellers and world-shapers.

  • Absolutely everyone is invited to contribute to the shaping of research at IML. Research must be for all of us, and by all of us, where collectively WE are the question. We see ourselves as future-seekers, change-makers, possibility-brokers, and creative insurgents.

  • What we cannot emphasize enough is how research at IML will be completely unique to us. So, please do not judge us, compare us, or measure us with research activity or cultures conducted at other institutions, anywhere.

  • As a new agency of research, we are open to remarkable opportunities that very few other places enjoy – we are unfettered by tradition, institutional legacy, or reverential evaluation of a past. Rather, we choose to revel in the innovatory, the unfamiliar, the uncharted, the unrecognized, and that yet to be.  

  • So, this resource is for all of us. It will inform, equip, challenge, support and prepare us for the adventure ahead. We hope you share our audacious aspirations. If so, please join our research community, and let’s all make the tomorrow WE want.

    The IML Research Team

Welcome To Research.

We are hugely excited by the prospect that research may become one of our biggest strengths, and one of our greatest adventures.

By investing in research futures, IML has extraordinary opportunity to extend its many remarkable values, virtues, ethics, and international networks.

Research can expand the remit of IML, our evolving roles within it, and how we may collectively determine an exciting new episode of fashion knowledge sharing. But it is vital that we make our research community as open, inclusive, and egalitarian as it can possibly be. We want to remove all perceived barriers to participation and to radically broaden the scope of possible research at IML. In short, we aim to change the very nature of academic research.

Research At IML Welcomes





External Partners


Research At IML Welcomes • Students • Staff • Alumni • Industry • External Partners • YOU •

At The Very Centre Of This Adventure Is YOU.

Whether you are a student, staff, alumni, emeritus, friend, or external partner, we want everyone to play a part.

So, we hope that this platform will provide an informative and accessible resource for EVERYONE to understand not just what research is, but what it can be.